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Unreal Editor for Fortnite
What Type of Bug are you experiencing?
I went back to make some changes to my tycoon game (first changes since update to 28.00). I have two sets of spawn pads. One set is mainly for new players joining the game. They are set to “Player Class: NoClass”. I have island settings setup as “Default Class Identifier: NoClass”. The other set of Spawners is used when a player dies mid-game, they are set to “PlayerClass: Class Slot 1,2,3 or 4”. I assign class when they go through a mutator zone when they pick an area for tycoon. So, what is happening on the start of a new game in the EDITOR occasionally I get spawned on one of the mid-game spawners that have a class setup. New game I should have no class assigned. Never happened before 28.00.
I have tested this a bit with a private version and it appears to be okay. I think this bug is limited to the Editor. I tested 5 times, joining in progress and it worked properly each time with private version.
Steps to Reproduce
See above
Expected Result
See above
Observed Result
See above
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