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What Type of Bug are you experiencing?
Item pawn intractability fails in Play mode and Edit mode with the AI path node device.
Steps to Reproduce
I placed down a building-to-prop floor, added an AI patrol path node device, then started the Game. On game start if I dropped my items where the node was then they would move away; however if you use an Elimination Manager to spawn items on a guards death whilst the guard is on the node (not the path) then the item pawns will become stuck and interactable with. Also, if you try to place a business turret on the node, then it’ll bounce off and not place. PRODUCED ON X-BOX SERIES X.
Expected Result
Items will not be able to be picked up.
Observed Result
Items will not be able to be picked up. (I have been able to replicate this)
X-BOX SERIES X, FNC (Fortnite Creative)
Additional Notes
This glitch has existed for a few months now and is really annoying. Whilst “run over pickup” would still work, this should still be patched. Although I’ve only tried to replicate this on Creative - I’m sure it affects UEFN as well.
Thanks in advance!
1 post - 1 participant