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What Type of Bug are you experiencing?
There is an issue when that occurs whenever you try to add and remove a Fixed Point Camera Device to a player while they are respawning. It will only work the first time a player respawns, but the next time you try to add the Fixed Point Camera Device during the time the player respawns, the camera will not get added. Sometimes it doesn’t even work the first time you try to add the camera while they are respawning.
Steps to Reproduce
Step 1: Have a player subscribe to the EliminatedEvent. It should look something like this (FortCharacter.EliminatedEvent().Subscribe(OnPlayerEliminated)
Step 2: In this OnPlayerEliminated function that you bind to the EliminatedEvent for the character, attach a Fixed Point Camera Device to the player. It should look something like this (FixedPointCamera.AddTo(EliminatedAgent))
Step 3: Create a timer, call it something like RevertCameraTimer, and bind the SuccessEvent of the timer to a function that will remove the Camera from the player. It should look something like this (RevertCameraTimer.SuccessEvent.Subscribe(RevertCamera).
Step 4: In the RevertCamera function, there should be a call to remove the camera from the player. It should look something like this (FixedPointCamera.RemoveFrom(Agent))
Step 5: Kill the player, notice how the camera will change for them
Step 6: Kill the player again, notice how the camera doesn’t change
Expected Result
The Fixed Point Camera should become the player’s active camera
Observed Result
The Fixed Point Camera does not become the player’s active camera
Additional Notes
Here is some sample code that will help you replicate the bug:
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
test := class(creative_device):
TestCamera:gameplay_camera_fixed_point_device = gameplay_camera_fixed_point_device{}
TestTimer:timer_device = timer_device{}
# Runs when the device is started in a running game
for (Player : GetPlayspace().GetPlayers()):
if (FortChar := Player.GetFortCharacter[]):
HandlePlayerEliminated(Result : elimination_result):void=
Eliminated := Result.EliminatedCharacter
if (Agent := Eliminated.GetAgent[]):
# Add the camera to the agent
Print("Camera should be added")
# Trigger a timer that will change the camera back to normal
RevertCamera(Agent: ?agent):void=
if (CurAgent := Agent?):
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