For custom grenades and such. Could probably look similar to the design of the Port-A-Bunker except without the bunker symbols.
All names given are usernames of people on the creator’s Discord.
Rarity: Common, Uncommon, Rare… continues up to Exotic
Carry Limit (recommended by Tirshatha): Number
VFX: Trail, None, Custom (Vfx Gallery)
VFX Color: Color Picker
Explosion Design (recommended by Tirshatha): Default Explosion, Splash, Fireball, Cloud, Shockwave
Stick on landing: Yes, No
Effect on landing: Impact Only Damage, Explode, Knockback Explode, Heal, Fire, Event Only (for custom abilities)
Is Zone (Explode enables just a normal damage zone, recommended by JuishySushi): Yes, No
Zone Shape: Box, Sphere, Cylinder
Zone Duration: Number
Zone Color: Color Picker
Zone Width/Depth/Height (3 seperate settings): Numbers
Effect radius: W/D/H, Number
Effect Radius - W/D/H (3 seperate settings again, recommended by Tirshatha): Numbers
Effect Damage (or health healed on the Heal option): Number
Effect over time (recommended by Tirshatha): Yes/Number, No
Knockback amount (only for Knockback Explode): Number
Knockback pierces builds (recommended by JuishySushi): Player Built Only, Yes, No
Cooldown (recommended by JuishySushi): Number
Player Impact Only (For Heal and Explode options, detonates only on player impact): Yes, No
Begin Detonation Timer (recommended by JuishySushi): Begin on throw, Begin on impact, Begin on proximity, Begin on pre-throw (recommended by Tirshatha)
Proximity Radius (recommended by JuishySushi): Number
Time to detonate: Number
1 post - 1 participant