Epic Games should take more attention into “City Sample” product as it should be the most important reference and example for the use cases of Unreal Engine 5 but there is many frequent issues which make it impossible to use or study into a basic project:
One of them is that the project took ~100 GIGA to download and 100 GIGA to install :
Can we have please a tiny cute smaller version ? -
One of them is that even the small map “Small_City_LVL” cannot be open without a GIGA performant machine:
Can we have please a tiny cute smaller street ? -
Most of them is that there is no Feedbacks and bug reports available in Epic Game Store for any Epic Game products like “City Sample”: Can we have please a “Review/report” section and “Question” section for that ?
Example of GIGA issues:
Another example of GIGA issues:
1 post - 1 participant