I have watched for now over 100 videos from Epic learning sources so I think I have quite good understanding of the problem.
Any video from community/learning embedded with in html with “vjs-tech” html5 video player is junk. It stops from time to time, buffering, neverending loading and watching with 1080p selected quality is making things worse. 30 secs of watching and 10-50 secs of waiting to load.
I think it’s not “my computer problem”. I have laggy videos from epic sources on my PC workstation, on my Macbook, on Safari, on Edge, on iPad. With celluar or wifi network, it does not matter. Youtube videos work flawlessly.
I don’t know if it’s the Epic network infrastructure too weak, bad embedded html5 video player, old video compression technology, bad bitrate or sth, but I think it really demotivates to watch these videos. And it’s sad, because they are very valuable, opposite to most YT “tutorials”.
Epic, can you do something about it?
1 post - 1 participant