Please select what you are reporting on:
Unreal Editor for Fortnite
What Type of Bug are you experiencing?
I get this bug on linux issue.webm - Google Drive .
I’d like to have more information on what can trigger this bug or if you known similar issue in you side on Windows.
Steps to Reproduce
Install lutris (flatpak) on Linux.
Install Epic Games from here Epic Games Store - Lutris
Install UEFN from Epic Games store
Launch any project
Click on menu.
Expected Result
Not disappear
Observed Result
I know you not support Wine/Proton or Linux officially but i have this glitch this issue.webm - Google Drive
I have tested nvidia production/vulkan_beta same bug.
I have tested vkd3d and dxvk or wined3d same bug.
I have tested kwin xorg and kwin wayland same bug.
I have tested gnome xorg and wayland same bug.
I have tested many wine version same bug.
I check also log. I don’t have warning or critical log about render error from nvidia, kwin or vkd3d or dxvk.
No log also on Unreal Engine logs.
But when i click many times with an specific speed, it works.
It’s a very strange bug.
NixOs : florian.richer/nixos - nixos - Florian RICHER's Gitea
Nvidia : 550.78 (production) same with vulkan_beta
1 post - 1 participant