The marketplace submission process is broken
Project folder structure
Reviewers do not account for the requirement to place videos inside the /Content/Movies folder per
Placing your media files inside the Content/Movies folder of your project will ensure that your media is packaged with your project correctly. Play A Video File In Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.4 Documentation | Epic Developer Community
Project content vs streamed content
- Reviewers treat a MediaStreaming file like it is part of the project, like an included video file.
- When using CC0 marked files, it was not enough to link to the files in the product description.
- Using Epic Games News video content, was declined
- Using Epic Games logos was declined
This could be easily resolved by providing files for the purpose of presentation, or better yet to allow Epic Games blog post content media files to be used.
No communication
- Replying to the marketplace email gets no response.
- Using the official content support channel directs to the community, or paid option.
- Posting here in the forum yields no results Play A Video File In Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.4 Documentation | Epic Developer Community
As others have reported, depending on the reviewer your content gets approved or declined Is this a joke?
- Content which is declined more than once should be reviewed.
- Review guideline updates to account for exceptions.
- The marketplace email should be replied to, otherwise should be named “noreply” and include an email link to a forum for Q&A. The marketplace email you receive with an introduction is obsolet.
1 post - 1 participant