I just thought i would request a device that functions like the accolade device in some respects.
As a creator and working on 1.0 being informed of any bugs in the game is a huge issue in my opinion. After each update done by Epic they is the potential for issues and that creators need to go into game and basically run through the game to test that nothing was affected.
I think it is reasonable to request a device that would let the user input some data like text maybe limit to 50 characters and then when submitted in game it would then go into a tab in the creator portal.
You could initially use this for bug reporting but this could also be used for a section on update ideas for instance or other scenarios.
Like the accolade currently does on a triggered event but instead it would be a device that lets user input text and then when they click submit it would then log the response in the creator portal.
This is just something i thought of when i have had a major issue in one of my games after an update but i did not know it was bugged until after i lost play base which by that point is too late.
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