I have been working on this map for around a year now and as I continue developing it in UEFN, the memory restrictions become more and more frustrating. Recently, I had increased the resolution of some billboards on my map to increase readability. The next day, I opened the project to see that my memory was up to 106,000 up from 86,000 just because I had increased some text resolution from 1x to 3x. I have been using the in-game editor to build my map because I am more comfortable and familiar with it and I find it faster to use for what I am trying to create. Since my issue arose however, I am unable to continue editing within the in-game editor. I believe creators should be responsible for the optimization of their map instead of being held on a leash. Also, the UEFN editor has a much more forgiving “Project Size” limit which is basically the same thing as memory. The thing that makes me the most upset is that I am able to continue building in the editor, despite the in-game editor being locked behind the primitive memory system. I can understand the limitation being in place for Creative 1.0, but I don’t see a reason for the memory limit to be in place while in a UEFN editing session. I ask this very nicely because the progress of my map has effectively been put to a halt, and I don’t want all that time to go to waste. Thank you for reading.
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