I have 2 score managers and they are both set to their respective teams. I want to give score to a player who gets a knock on someone so I activate the score manager when the other player from the other team gets downed but it gives the player WHO GOT DOWNED a point and not the player who got the knock. Score manager 1 is set to Team 1 so Team 1 should be getting the score not Team 2 who got knocked, this happens visa versa. What am I doing wrong here?
This first score manager here is set to Team 1 but gives Team 2 the score when he gets knocked.
DBNOPUSHINGPARK is set to team 2
This second score manager here is set to Team 2 but gives Team 1 the score when he gets knocked.
DBNODEFENDINGPARK is set to team 1
Am I doing something wrong or is this just a bug in UEFN?
And is there any better way I give score to a player who gets a knock.
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