As a Fortnite creator, it would be great if we were a new device called the Port-A-Designer which allows the player to create a custom Port-A-Structure which can be thrown like a Port-A-Fort and generates the players custom structure. Settings
- Item Name: Determines the items name (Example: Port-A-Tower)
- Item Rarity: Determines the items rarity (Common to Mythic)
- Item Description: Determines the items description (Example: Creates a tower)
- Item Stack Size: The maximum amount of the item that can be held (1-10)
- Use Levels: Determines if this device uses level instances or solo instances (Yes/No)
– Solo instances are created similar to the Level Instance device, while the Level Instances allows the device to use all levels in the island.
- Allow Devices: Determines if devices can be generated when used (Yes/No)
- Allow Guards: Determines if guards can be generated when used (Yes/No)
- Allow Creatures: Determines if creatures can be generated when used (Yes/No)
- Allow Wildlife: Determines if wildlife can be generated when used (Yes/No)
- Generation Size: Determines the size of the Port-A-Structure (0-0-0 to 10-10-10)
- Generation Delay: Determines the delay between impact and generation (Instant, 1s to 300s)
- Generation Hologram: Determines if a hologram is shown when aiming (yes/no)
- When Thrown Transmit To: When the item is thrown transmit to a channel/event.
- When Generated Transmit To: When the building is generated transmit to a channel/event.
- Remove Generation When Receiving From: Removes the generated structure when receiving from a channel/event.
If added, this would improve gameplay because allowing users to create their own Port-A-Buildings could open the doors for many new mechanics for several types of maps. For example a No-Build map might make one which generates a simple protective box where as a build map might generate a vehicle or store.
1 post - 1 participant