It doesn’t seem like SpawnParticleSystem is working at all but I haven’t seen anyone else talking about it so im confused. I tried it with the following code from the official exposing-assets link below.
MyVFX:cancelable = SpawnParticleSystem(MyParticleSystem, GetTransform().Translation)
I have made a new project and tried the official code, I have tried it with my current project with my own code. I tried it with existing particle systems that all work correctly in game when placed manually. I tried it with new particle systems that are just simple looping default particles. I have tried it with using a variable for the particle system or just using the example and using the properly exposed assets in the Assets.digest.verse and reference it directly.
I don’t receive any errors, just nothing ever gets spawned. I have checked the spawn locations and made sure all the functions are running with print statements but no particles are spawned.
Nothing is working and I am curious if its working for somebody else?
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