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[Major] Bugged Devices in Game: Player on Team 2 teleports on Team 2 Teleporter and Becomes Team 1. Evaluators and Triggers are not activating in general even when reset. Intermittently breaking.


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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

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playerstate team Devices bug bug-report

Experiencing major game breaking bugs occuring with Player Teams Switching behaving irratically without any callouts for an activating Team Switch.
Triggers, Attribute Evaluators, class selectors, and trackers. They worked until 3 weeks Prior to V29 Update.

Here is a brief runthrough:

Expected Result:
Player chooses Team 2 in class selector device. Player is active on team 2.

Gold is Team 2

Observed Result:
After changing to Team 2 through the Class Selector, the Attribute Evaluator evaluates the player, the Evaluator SFX sound off, and the player changes to Team 1. This is not normal behavior. The Attribute Evaluator is bugged, it is meant to evaluate, not reassign team. The Player changed to Team 1.

Only Team 2 should Activate the device. The Evaluator should not change the player from Team 2 to Team 1.


Expected Result:
Evaluator Evaluates Team 2 all players entering Mutator Zone.

Mutator Zone Settings

Observed Result:
Evaluator changes player to Team 1 and 2 (Silver Objective pulses enabled at Class Selector on Team switch to Team 2…) Yet the Gold and Silver come out of player.
(This breaks my entire game (Capture the Flag Capture Area Devices assigned to the teams and Trackers and teleporters assigned to teams that spawned in the game)

Expected Result:
Evaluator has Event Binding that Teleports Team 2 player using Attribute Evaluator on Team 2. Player enters mutator zone and Evaluator teleports.

Observed Result:
Player Enters Mutator after choosing Team 2 with the class selector. Attribute Evaluator changes player to Team 1 and teleports on Team 1 Teleporter. Player is Teleported to the Checkpoint device.
Trigger Team 1 is triggered by Class Selector UI, Message Pop-up Device, and Sequence to activate when player enters the Mutator Zone Surrounding the Checkpoint device.

I have everything binded correctly as it was all working a month before the updates, I have had to change the Player References to Evaluators since the class selectors previously were bugged and not switching teams at all, now the attribute evaluators are bugged.

Any triggers assigend to team 1 or 2 are breaking but still intermittently responding to the team they are assigned to until they break.

Other Bugged Device:
Triggers are bugged. Trackers are bugged, cinematic sequences are bugged, player marker is bugged, capture area device objective pulse is bugged, attrribute evaluator is bugged.

On February 12th, there was a bug with all triggers in my game which would intermittently behave sporatically and completely stop triggering.
Triggered by Class Selector UI, Message Pop-up Device, and Sequence to activate when player enters the Mutator Zone Surrounding the Checkpoint device.
These triggers have been not triggering, with frequently irratic spontanious behaviors, and it requires Respawning in order for the trigger to respond to a player entering a mutator zone.
This leaves players stuck in the checkpoint box with no class selector UI device popup, no seq playing for player on triggered, no messagepopup device with widget buttons on UI linked to teleporters per button to teleport.

You may notice the Gold team and Silver Team objective pulses now coming from one player because of the Bugged Team 1 and Team 2 Switching back and forth mid game, which is the main problem, that it switches one player to a team, then later the evaluator bugging and switching player to the other team.

The triggers work for a few minutes and stop functioning altogether after respawning which player then enters mutator zone and triggers the trigger again, which become completely irresponsive altogether. MAJOR bug.
I have deleted the triggers, placed new ones, same settings and event bindings. Then something completely not irrelevant and a device not linked to anything with no resemblance to this setup, will bug out, like the attribute evaluator how it is behaving. This all began when I replaced ONE TRIGGER which triggers a mutator zone and there are massive bugs when replacing devices for some reason

Class Selector Settings

Player Marker
Expected Result
Attach to player when flag picked up from capture item spawner.

Observed Result
The Player Marker attaches to player when spawning into the game.



Island Code


The Game does have complex mechanics, and I spent 10 months to set them up carefully and correctly. This project began April 2023. I am setting up the event binding up carefully and correctly with Delay between event bindings activating, and resetting devices appropriately so they do not all run at once. It is a shame that I put this much into the game, and that the devices are bugged. I am requesting for my life sake of nearly a year put into this game, that an Epic Dev Memeber to please take a look into this and help me in regards to these major and critical issues.

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