This’ll probably be light work for those of you guys with pretty much any experience with verse, but I’m still learning so I’m struggling with this.
I’m trying to make a player that falls under a certain class (and triggers a switch to be on) to be eligible for the ability to crouch to double their health. Uncrouching returns it back to default.
I got this to work without the switch logic, but I don’t want every player in the lobby to have this feature. How do I add an if statement that checks for the switch to be on and subscribes the crouch ability to the instigating player?
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { /}
using { /}
using { /}
using { / }
using { / }
HealthCrouch := class(creative_device):
#wip, broken - currently no check for switch device, idk how to program this
Switch : switch_device = switch_device{}
CrouchEvent(FortniteCharacter : fort_character, IsCrouched : logic) : void=
if (IsCrouched?):
#crouch adds double health
#uncrouch removes double health
#pretty sure this is unused
SpawnEvent( Agent : agent) : void =
if (FortCharacter := Agent.GetFortCharacter[]):
for (Player : GetPlayspace().GetPlayers(), FortCharacter := Player.GetFortCharacter[], Agent := agent):
#i need an if statement that subscribes to CrouchEvent if the switch is toggled on but i'm still struggling to implement
#if (Switch := Switch.IfOnWhenCheckedEvent(FortCharacter)):
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