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Unreal Editor for Fortnite
What Type of Bug are you experiencing?
I have placed a PostProcessVolume into the editor on multiple different levels and projects to see if it would work and have followed the First Hour tutorial exactly. Any edits I do on the PostProcessVolume simply will not show up when I launch session no matter how many changes I make, and I have also checked the “Infinite Extent (Unbound)” option and still does not work.
It shows it is working fine in the Unreal Editor itself but won’t show it at all in the session whether I start the game or don’t.
Steps to Reproduce
- Find the issue relating to the Post Process Volume
- Fix the issue
Expected Result
Post process volume will work as it is meant to in the loaded session
Observed Result
I load a new session after placing the PostProcessVolume and check the Infinite Extent option
No changes I have made with the PostProcessVolume will show in the session loaded
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