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What Type of Bug are you experiencing?
When a building piece or a prop is rotated, players who attempt to mantle onto it will experience movement issues and in some cases even teleporting. This can cause players to end up mantling off of the thing they are mantling onto or to teleport up to a tile away. This makes parkour difficult and frustrating for players.
Steps to Reproduce
- Choose a prop or building piece. I recommend a 3/4 floor piece.
- Rotate it 90 degrees onto its side
- Attempt to mantle onto it a few times. The issue occurs fairly consistently.
Expected Result
The player should be able to mantle onto this object like any other.
Observed Result
The player who tries to mantle will experience their player mantling to the wrong spot. This can be up to a tile away from where they tried to mantle.
Additional Notes
Video of issue:
1 post - 1 participant