For the “Create your own NPC Medic” tutorial on the documention, in the queue.verse code that the documentation provides, there is a script error. Line 5 for “(t:type)”.
See error from UEFN: queue.verse(5,14, 5,22) : Script error 3502: Can’t access a function from a preceding type.
Any potential solutions?
Link: Create your own NPC Medic
Full code below:
list(t:type) := class:
queue<public>(t:type) := class<internal>:
Elements<internal>:?list(t) = false
Size<public>:int = 0
Enqueue<public>(NewElement:t):queue(t) =
Elements := option:
Data := NewElement
Next := Elements
Size := Size + 1
Dequeue<public>()<decides><transacts>:tuple(queue(t), t) =
List := Elements?
(queue(t){Elements := List.Next, Size := Size - 1}, List.Data)
Front<public>()<decides><transacts>:t = Elements?.Data
CreateQueue<public><constructor>(InData:t where t:type) := queue(t):
Elements := option:
Data := InData
Next := false
Size := 1
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